$VAULT Tokenomics & the latest updates

M7 Capital Investment Platform
2 min readAug 29, 2021

Greetings M7 Community,

With our launch date of 30/08/21 fast approaching, we want to bring you information on the tokenomics of the platform’s governance token, VAULT. The total supply will be limited to 10 million (10,000,000) and there will be no restrictions on transaction size. We are placing a maximum amount each wallet can hold to 200,000 tokens. This is 2% of the total supply of VAULT. Once launched, the team will review the contract to determine if this restriction should be increased or removed. Furthermore, there will not be a blacklist function within our code.

VAULT is based on an asynchronous tax system. The liquidity creation, marketing and team fund rates do not constitute the tax rates on buying and selling.

Buy transactions will incur a 6% tax collected by the contract. Sell transactions will incur a 10% tax. All the tokens collected will be used by one of the 3 mechanics built within the contract via the following ways:

  • Liquidity (4%) — This will be used to increase the available liquidity. It will be held by the team and locked, burned or released as needed to ensure the price floor remains stable.
  • Marketing (1%) — This will be exchanged for BNB and used strictly for marketing and promotional activities for the M7 Platform.
  • Team (3%) — This will be exchanged for BNB and used to fund all team operations up to and including expanding our communities and platform development.
M7 Dashboard

In other exciting news, our contract is deployed and verified and can be reviewed here https://bscscan.com/address/0x838bcbE35da6AEe1bFd4C48D994e0133b25465DF

Stay in touch with us at:

Website: https://m7capital.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/M7Platform

Telegram: https://t.me/M7Capital

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/CWAndCHaAK



M7 Capital Investment Platform

The M7 Capital Investment Platform offers the tools needed for financial freedom — Reduced risk, asset yield tokens and the ability to invest for the long term